
sunrise, sunrise looks like mornin' in your eyes

i've started university for a month now and life has been hectic. assignments, courseworks, essays. when i have the time, i go to bed and just sleep contemplate. i can't say this is how i envisioned my university life to be like. i thought it was going to be less stressful and that i would have time sometimes just to relax myself. 

i guess as per usual, i was wrong. i woke up early today for a test (which i still have not started revising for), and i caught sight of the sunrise. i grabbed my ol' trusty canon 600d and snapped this. 

pretty, isn't it?
then i realised this. i do have time for relaxation. i just need to use my time wisely. sometimes you'll need to make an effort to see something that is no easily observed in our everyday lives. just like sunrises. yes they do happen early in the morning (if you have not noticed), but it's one of the most magical moments when you see the sun lighting up the horizon. maybe it is worth it after all.

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